
shiver meaning in Hindi

shiver    ({noun})टूटन|झुरझुरी होना|फांक|टुकडा|कंपकंपी|पतला टुकडा
to shiver    ({vb})कंपाना|थरथराना|हिलाना|टुकडे टुकडे करना|कांपना|चूर चूर करना

Translations & Examples

shiver    टूटन
shiver    झुरझुरी होना
shiver    (also: chap, chasm, rent, segment, slice)फांक
shiver    (also: bit, branch, chip, chop, component, crumb, dole, factor, flake, fraction)टुकडा
shiver    (also: horror, quake, shake, shudder, tremor, trepidation, vibration)कंपकंपी
shiver    पतला टुकडा
to shiver    (also: to thrill, to trill, to vibrate)थरथराना
to shiver    (also: to convulse, to jog, to stir, to sway, to wave)हिलाना
to shiver    (also: to break, to hackle, to mangle, to quarter, to shatter, to shred, to smash, to flake)टुकडे टुकडे करना
to shiver    (also: to tremble, to chill)कांपना
to shiver    (also: to powder, to pound)चूर चूर करना

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