
shout meaning in Hindi

shout    ({noun})जय जयकार|प्रशंसा ध्वनि|हुल्लड|गुल गपाडा|शोर
to shout    ({v.t.})शोर मचाना|चिल्लाना

Translations & Examples

shout    जय जयकार
shout    प्रशंसा ध्वनि
shout    (also: confusion, racket, riot, sedition)हुल्लड
shout    (also: hue and cry)गुल गपाडा
shout    (also: jangle, noise)शोर
to shout    (also: to screech, to squeak, to noise, to squeal, to shriek)चिल्लाना

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