
slave meaning in Hindi

slave    ({noun})किंकर|चाकर|ग़ुलाम|दास|टहलुआ
to slave    ({v.t.})गुलामी करना|परिश्रम करना|दासत्व करना

Translations & Examples

slave    (also: henchman)किंकर
slave    (also: henchman, menial, retainer, servant, valet, domestic)चाकर
slave    (also: knave, knave, serf)ग़ुलाम
slave    (also: captive, servant, thrall, villein)दास
slave    (also: henchman, lackey, menial, servant)टहलुआ
to slave    (also: to ply, to sweat, to toil, to fag, to struggle, to work, to exert, to labor, to labour, to strive)परिश्रम करना
to slave    दासत्व करना

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