
swarm meaning in Hindi

swarm    ({noun})मधुमक्खियों का झुंड|समूह|जमाव|भीड
to swarm    ({v.i.})मधुमक्खियों का इकट्ठे होकर छत्ते से निकल जाना|भीड लगाना|इकट्ठा होना

Translations & Examples

swarm    मधुमक्खियों का झुंड
swarm    (also: aggregate, brood, cluster, collection, crowd, group, herd, mass, multitude, parcel)समूह
swarm    (also: gathering, muster, settlement)जमाव
swarm    (also: cluster, concourse, crew, crowd, crush, gathering, hive, host, huddle, influx)भीड
to swarm    भीड लगाना
to swarm    (also: to herd, to meet, to throng, to assemble, to troop)इकट्ठा होना

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