
visit meaning in Hindi

visit    ({noun})मुलाकात|भेंट|देखभाल|निरीक्षण
to visit    ({v.t.})देखना|भेंट करना|मिलना|निरीक्षण करना|देखने को आना या जाना
visitation    ({noun})मुलाकात|भेंट|देखभाल|ईश्वर का अनुग्रह या कोप

Translations & Examples

visit    (also: encounter, interview, meeting, reception, visitation, inverview)मुलाकात
visit    (also: dedication, gift, interview, meeting, offering, present, presentation, reception, visitation, largess)भेंट
visit    (also: care, inspection, supervision, visitation)देखभाल
visit    (also: examination, insight, inspection, oversight, pry, supervision, surveillance, survey)निरीक्षण
to visit    (also: to dedicate, to tender, to endow, to devote)भेंट करना
to visit    (also: to find, to join, to accost, to associate, to descend, to encounter)मिलना
to visit    (also: to overhaul, to inspect, to oversee, to supervise)निरीक्षण करना
to visit    देखने को आना या जाना
visitation    (also: dedication, gift, interview, meeting, offering, present, presentation, reception, visit, largess)भेंट
visitation    (also: care, inspection, supervision, visit)देखभाल
visitation    ईश्वर का अनुग्रह या कोप

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