
while meaning in Hindi

while    ({conj.})जब|जिस वक़्त|तब तक|जब तक|जबकि
while    ({noun})काल|समय
to while    ({v.t.})समय काटना|मक्खी मारना|व्यर्थ बिताना|वक़्त बिताना

Translations & Examples

while    जब
while    जिस वक़्त
while    तब तक
while    (also: until)जब तक
while    (also: whereas)जबकि
while    (also: age, date, day, distance, era, period, time, weather)काल
while    (also: age, date, distance, duration, measure, occasion, period, time, weather, occasions)समय
to while    मक्खी मारना
to while    व्यर्थ बिताना
to while    वक़्त बिताना

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