
accountancy meaning in Hindi

accountancy    ({noun})गणक का काम या पद|हिसाब किताब
account    ({noun})लेखा|जांच|वृत्तान्त|गणना|कारण|गिनती|कथा|हिसाब|पूछताछ|वर्णन
accountable    ({adj.})जिसे हिसाब या लेखा देना पडे|जिम्मेदार|उत्तरदायी
accountant    ({noun})हिसाब रखने वाला गणक|मुनीम|वह जो लेखा भली प्रकार समझता हो
to account    ({v.t.})जानना

Translations & Examples

accountancy    गणक का काम या पद
accountancy    हिसाब किताब
account    (also: criterion, estimate, examination, experiment, inquiry, inquisition, inspection, investigation, overhaul, retrospect)जांच
account    (also: chronicle, episode)वृत्तान्त
account    (also: count, estimate, estimation, reckoning)गणना
account    (also: agency, cause, ground, impulse, incentive, incitement, inducement, instrument, medium, motive)कारण
account    (also: calculation, count, number, reckoning, tale)गिनती
account    (also: anecdote, myth, narration, narrative, novel, recital, spell, statement, tale, annals)कथा
account    (also: register)हिसाब
account    (also: inquiry)पूछताछ
account    (also: affirmation, declaration, delineation, description, dictum, essay, explanation, harangue, illustration, mention)वर्णन
accountable    (also: amenable)जिम्मेदार
accountable    (also: amenable, answerable, liable, responsible, respondent)उत्तरदायी
accountant    (also: actuary, book keeper)मुनीम
accountant    वह जो लेखा भली प्रकार समझता हो

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