
blind meaning in Hindi

blind    ({adj.})नेत्रहीन|अंधा|बन्द|बेसमझ|अज्ञान
blind    ({noun})पट्टी|आड|धोखा|झिलमिली|भुलावा
to blind    ({v.t.})आंख मिचौनीना|अन्धा करना|धोखा देना
blindness    ({noun})अन्धापन|अज्ञानता
blind faith    ({noun})अन्ध विश्वास

Translations & Examples

blind    नेत्रहीन
blind    अंधा
blind    (also: close, shut, standing)बन्द
blind    (also: irrational)बेसमझ
blind    (also: unwitting)अज्ञान
blind    (also: band, bandage, bob, brace, dressing, farm, garter, leash, lint, roller)पट्टी
blind    (also: barrier, cloak, defence, fence, hindrance, hitch, interruption, intervention, let, partition)आड
blind    (also: betrayal, cheat, cobweb, deceit, deception, delusion, fallacy, fantasy, fob, fraud)धोखा
blind    (also: lattice, shutter)झिलमिली
blind    (also: fallacy, stale)भुलावा
to blind    अन्धा करना
to blind    (also: to deceive, to defraud, to fob, to gull, to kid, to misrepresent, to mock, to trick, to delude, to dupe)धोखा देना
blindness    (also: darkness, folly, ignorance, innocence, stupidity, nescient)अज्ञानता

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