
blast meaning in Hindi

blast    ({noun})झोंका|विस्फोट|आंधी|जोर की फूंक|विपद|झुलस
to blast    ({v.t.})बारूद से उडा देना|झुलसा देना|नष्ट करना

Translations & Examples

blast    (also: gale, waft)झोंका
blast    विस्फोट
blast    (also: gale, squall, storm, tempest, thunderstorm, tornado, typhoon)आंधी
blast    जोर की फूंक
blast    (also: accident, affliction, curse, predicament)विपद
blast    झुलस
to blast    झुलसा देना
to blast    (also: to demolish, to destroy, to devastate, to eat, to lose, to overturn, to prostrate, to quench, to ruin, to spend)नष्ट करना

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