
blossom meaning in Hindi

blossom    ({noun})कोंपल|कली|पुष्प|फूल
to blossom    ({v.i.})समृद्ध होना|फूलना|फलना|खिलना

Translations & Examples

blossom    (also: bloom, browse, bud)कोंपल
blossom    (also: bloom, bud, flower, whitewash)कली
blossom    (also: bloom, flower)पुष्प
blossom    (also: bloom, daffodil, flower)फूल
to blossom    (also: to bulge, to swell, to bloom, to flower, to bloat)फूलना
to blossom    (also: to flourish, to result, to thrive)फलना
to blossom    (also: to bloom)खिलना

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