
caste meaning in Hindi

caste    ({noun})गोत्र|जाति|वर्ण
cast    ({noun})फेंक|सांचा|हल्का रंग
casting    ({noun})ढलाई|ढली हुई वस्तु
to cast    ({vb})पछाडना|फेंकना|गिराना

Translations & Examples

caste    (also: blood, clan, sept)गोत्र
caste    (also: clan, community, feather, gender, genus, kin, kind, kingdom, nation, nationality)जाति
caste    (also: class, complexion, letter, tribe)वर्ण
cast    (also: diagram, mold, mould, pattern, rake)सांचा
cast    हल्का रंग
casting    ढली हुई वस्तु
to cast    (also: to heave, to launch, to throw, to tumble, to toss)फेंकना
to cast    गिराना

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