
ceremonial meaning in Hindi

ceremonial    ({adj.})शिष्टाचार संबन्धी|रस्मी|वैधिक
ceremonial    ({noun})विधि|रीति|दस्तूर|आचार|रस्म
ceremony    ({noun})रस्म|रीति|चाल|धर्माचार|दस्तूर|नेगचार|शिष्टाचार

Translations & Examples

ceremonial    शिष्टाचार संबन्धी
ceremonial    रस्मी
ceremonial    वैधिक
ceremonial    (also: act, decree, formula, institution, method, nature, order, precept, prescription, principle)विधि
ceremonial    (also: address, ceremony, custom, etiquette, institute, method, mode, nature, observance, order)रीति
ceremonial    (also: ceremony, convention, custom, law, practice, rite, routine, rule)दस्तूर
ceremonial    (also: observance, proceeding, rite)आचार
ceremonial    (also: ceremony, custom)रस्म
ceremony    (also: address, custom, etiquette, institute, method, mode, nature, observance, order, ordinance)रीति
ceremony    (also: action, activity, career, carriage, custom, gait, going, manner, mien, momentum)चाल
ceremony    (also: morality)धर्माचार
ceremony    (also: convention, custom, law, practice, rite, routine, rule, ceremonial)दस्तूर
ceremony    नेगचार
ceremony    (also: comity, complacency, decorum, etiquette, formality)शिष्टाचार

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