
charge meaning in Hindi

charge    ({noun})आज्ञा|इलज़ाम|दोषारोपण|रक्षा|धावा|रखवाली|मूल्य|आक्रमण
to charge    ({vb})धावा करना|दाम मांगना|लगाना|लेना|सौंपना|आक्रमण करना|आज्ञा देना
for no charge    ({noun})मुफ्त में|सेत मेत

Translations & Examples

charge    (also: allowance, behest, bidding, caution, command, commandment, confirmation, dictate, fiat, instructions)आज्ञा
charge    (also: accusation, allegation, imputation)इलज़ाम
charge    (also: impeachment, reproach)दोषारोपण
charge    (also: advocacy, aid, care, conservancy, custody, defence, guard, keeping, look-out, outlook)रक्षा
charge    (also: assault, attack, campaign, dash, foray, onset, storm)धावा
charge    (also: custody, retention, surveillance, watch)रखवाली
charge    (also: cost, price, rate, value, worth)मूल्य
charge    (also: aggression, attack, descent, encroachment, foray, inroad, invasion, onset, push, raid)आक्रमण
to charge    दाम मांगना
to charge    (also: to add, to cling, to stick, to impinge)लगाना
to charge    (also: to initiate, to occupy)लेना
to charge    (also: delivery, to commend, to commit, to consign, to refer, to repose)सौंपना
to charge    आक्रमण करना
to charge    (also: to consent, to order, to prescribe, to command, to will)आज्ञा देना
for no charge    सेत मेत

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