
circulation meaning in Hindi

circulation    ({noun})प्रचलन|चक्कर|घुमाव|दौरा|रक्त बहन|फेर|खून का दौडा
to circulate    ({vb})घुमाना|चारों ओर भेजना|प्रचलित करना|फैलाना
to circulate    ({v.i.})फिरना|दौरा करना|चक्कर लगाना|घूमना

Translations & Examples

circulation    (also: enforcement, passage, prevalence)प्रचलन
circulation    (also: circuit, circumference, eddy, hoop, meander, revolution, ring, round)चक्कर
circulation    (also: bend, circumference, crook, roll, swirl, vicissitude, volt, volume, whirl, winding)घुमाव
circulation    (also: access, circuit, progress, tour, trip, vicissitude)दौरा
circulation    रक्त बहन
circulation    (also: turn)फेर
circulation    खून का दौडा
to circulate    चारों ओर भेजना
to circulate    प्रचलित करना
to circulate    (also: to broadcast, to reach, to spread, to stretch, to sow)फैलाना
to circulate    (also: to roll, to rove, to wander, to ramble, to rebound, to trend, to flinch, to wind)फिरना
to circulate    दौरा करना
to circulate    (also: to gyrate)चक्कर लगाना
to circulate    (also: to circle, to rove, to stray, to wander, to expatriate, to gyrate, to ramble, to spin, to trip, to turn)घूमना

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