to civilize

to civilize meaning in Hindi

to civilize    ({vb})शिष्टाचार सिखलाना|सुधारना|सभ्य बनाना
civil    ({adj.})देशीय|राजनैतिक|नगर या राष्ट्र का|सुशील|सविनय|सभ्य|दीवानी|शिष्ट
civilization    ({noun})आचारशिष्टता|सभ्यता
civilized    ({adj.})शिष्ट
civility    ({noun})नम्रता|शिष्टता|सभ्यता|सुशीलता

Translations & Examples

to civilize    शिष्टाचार सिखलाना
to civilize    (also: to improve, to refine, to reform)सुधारना
to civilize    (also: to refine)सभ्य बनाना
civil    (also: political)राजनैतिक
civil    नगर या राष्ट्र का
civil    (also: affable, amiable, courteous, courtly, fashionable, genteel, gentle, modest, neighborly, neighbourly)सुशील
civil    (also: humble, modest)सविनय
civil    (also: courtly, genteel, gentle, refined, respectful)सभ्य
civil    दीवानी
civil    (also: accomplished, attentive, elegant, genteel, neighborly, neighbourly, refined, respectful, urbane, fair-spoken)शिष्ट
civilization    (also: civility, cultivation, culture, decency, decorum, etiquette, grace, polish, refinement)सभ्यता
civility    (also: comity, culture, decorum, elegance, etiquette, grace, polish, propriety)शिष्टता
civility    (also: civilization, cultivation, culture, decency, decorum, etiquette, grace, polish, refinement)सभ्यता
civility    (also: accommodation, complacency, courtesy, decency, modesty, refinement)सुशीलता

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