
clean meaning in Hindi

clean    ({adj.})पवित्र|विशुद्ध|उज्ज्वल|शुद्ध|निर्मल|खरा|साफ
to clean    ({vb})निर्मल करना|शुद्ध करना|साफ करना

Translations & Examples

clean    (also: blessed, divine, holy, inviolable, modest, pious, pure, sacrosanct, solemn, spiritual)पवित्र
clean    (also: correct, genuine)विशुद्ध
clean    (also: blank, clear, lustrous, vivid)उज्ज्वल
clean    (also: absolute, accurate, correct, exact, ingenuous, just, logical, neat, proper, pure)शुद्ध
clean    (also: clear, crystalline, pure, refined, serene, translucent, transparent, vestal)निर्मल
clean    (also: faithful, frank, genuine, honest, legitimate, outspoken, plain, real, sincere, straight)खरा
clean    warningसाफ
to clean    (also: to chasten, to cleanse)शुद्ध करना
to clean    (also: to clear)साफ करना

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