
cleverness meaning in Hindi

cleverness    ({noun})निपुणता|चालाकी|चतुराई|प्रवीणता
clever    ({adj.})सयाना|गुणी|चालाक|प्रवीण|चतुर

Translations & Examples

cleverness    (also: ability, accomplishment, proficiency, skill, tact)निपुणता
cleverness    (also: alacrity, artifice, craft, device, ingenuity, knack, maneuver, manoeuvre, prank, rig)चालाकी
cleverness    (also: cunning, penetration, policy, workmanship)चतुराई
cleverness    (also: ability, art, learning, perfection, skill)प्रवीणता
clever    (also: active, adept, gifted, intelligent, meritorious, proficient, skilled)गुणी
clever    (also: acute, adroit, agile, alive, arch, artful, astute, brisk, canny, crafty)चालाक
clever    (also: able, accomplished, adept, ingenious, proficient, versed)प्रवीण
clever    (also: able, acute, adroit, artful, astute, canny, crafty, cunning, deft, discreet)चतुर

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