
coincident meaning in Hindi

coincident    ({adj.})समान|मिलता हुआ|सन्निपाती|समकालीन
coincidence    ({noun})अनुरूपता|एकमत्य|मेल|सन्निपात|संयोग|इत्तेफ़ाक|एक ही साथ पडना|मिलाव|इत्तफ़ाक़
to coincide    ({v.i.})एक ही स्थान पर होना|सन्निपतित होना|एक मत होना|अनुरूप होना|मिलना|ठीक बैठना

Translations & Examples

coincident    (also: compatible, convertible, harmonious, identical, level, like, parallel, same, similar, worthy)समान
coincident    (also: according)मिलता हुआ
coincident    सन्निपाती
coincident    (also: contemporary, simultaneous)समकालीन
coincidence    (also: unanimity)एकमत्य
coincidence    (also: accord, accordance, adaptation, alliance, amalgamation, annexation, association, blend, bond, coalition)मेल
coincidence    सन्निपात
coincidence    (also: accident, adaptation, chance, circumstance, coalition, cohesion, combination, concord, conjunction, connection)संयोग
coincidence    (also: chance)इत्तेफ़ाक
coincidence    एक ही साथ पडना
coincidence    (also: compatibility, complication, mixture)मिलाव
coincidence    (also: chance)इत्तफ़ाक़
to coincide    सन्निपतित होना
to coincide    (also: to agree, to concur)एक मत होना
to coincide    (also: to harmonize, to correspond, to conform, to harmonise, to symbol)अनुरूप होना
to coincide    (also: to harmonize, to merge, to mix, to agree, to club, to congregate, to get, to combine, to blend, to coalesce)मिलना
to coincide    (also: to answer)ठीक बैठना

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