
commodity meaning in Hindi

commodity    ({noun})जिन्स|बिकने की वस्तु|सामग्री|माल|असबाब|लाभ
commode    ({noun})कमोड|मलमूत्र त्याग का पात्र

Translations & Examples

commodity    जिन्स
commodity    बिकने की वस्तु
commodity    (also: apparatus, appliance, equipment, ingredient, material, paraphernalia, property, stock, supply)सामग्री
commodity    (also: belongings, finance, freight, furniture, goods, merchandise, possession, stuff, substance)माल
commodity    (also: baggage, furniture, goods, material, merchandise, stuff, upholstery)असबाब
commodity    (also: acquisition, advantage, avail, benefit, bonus, boot, catch, clearance, cure, gain)लाभ
commode    मलमूत्र त्याग का पात्र

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