
compassion meaning in Hindi

compassion    ({noun})तरस|अनुकम्पा|दया
compass    ({noun})घेरा|विस्तार|सीमा|कम्पास|दिशा निरूपण यंत्र|कुतुबनुमा
to compass    ({vb})वश में करना|ठान लेना|प्राप्त करना|घेरना|इरादा करना

Translations & Examples

compassion    (also: clemency, sympathy, ruth)तरस
compassion    अनुकम्पा
compassion    (also: benevolence, clemency, grace, humanism, humanity, mercy, pity, sympathy, tenderness, ruth)दया
compass    (also: breadth, bulk, capacity, development, dimension, enlargement, exaggeration, expanse, expansion, extension)विस्तार
compass    (also: barrier, border, bound, boundary, bourn, coast, extremity, frontier, height, jurisdiction)सीमा
compass    कम्पास
compass    दिशा निरूपण यंत्र
compass    कुतुबनुमा
to compass    ठान लेना
to compass    (also: to attain)प्राप्त करना
to compass    (also: to bound, to close, to skirt, to circle)घेरना
to compass    (also: to contemplate)इरादा करना

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