
competence meaning in Hindi

competence    ({noun})सामर्थ्य|गुण|प्रचुरता|बाहुल्य|पर्याप्तता|योग्यता
competent    ({adj.})उचित|पर्याप्त|समर्थ|योग्य|निपुण
competency    ({noun})योग्यता|सामर्थ्य|गुण|प्रचुरता|पर्याप्तता|बाहुल्य
to compete    ({v.i.})रीस करना|बराबरी करना|होड करना

Translations & Examples

competence    (also: ability, capability, capacity, competency, efficiency, nerve, potency, dint)सामर्थ्य
competence    (also: ability, accomplishment, attainment, attribute, benefit, character, characteristic, competency, desert, efficacy)गुण
competence    (also: competency)प्रचुरता
competence    (also: affluence, competency, deal, exuberance, flood, multiplicity, treasure)बाहुल्य
competence    (also: competency, sufficiency, supply)पर्याप्तता
competence    (also: ability, aptitude, attainment, capability, capacity, compatibility, competency, convenience, desert, efficiency)योग्यता
competent    (also: abundant, adequate, satisfactory, sufficient)पर्याप्त
competent    (also: able, capable)समर्थ
competent    (also: able, adequate, advisable, appropriate, apt, becoming, capable, compatible, convenient, decent)योग्य
competent    (also: able, accomplished, adept, adroit, artful, deft, expert, handy, ingenious, learned)निपुण
competency    (also: ability, capability, capacity, competence, efficiency, nerve, potency, dint)सामर्थ्य
competency    (also: ability, accomplishment, attainment, attribute, benefit, character, characteristic, competence, desert, efficacy)गुण
competency    (also: competence)प्रचुरता
competency    (also: competence, sufficiency, supply)पर्याप्तता
competency    (also: affluence, competence, deal, exuberance, flood, multiplicity, treasure)बाहुल्य
to compete    बराबरी करना
to compete    होड करना

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