
compliment meaning in Hindi

compliment    ({noun})प्रणाम|प्रशंसा|अभिनन्दन|आदर
to compliment    ({vb})सराहना|प्रणाम करना|वाह वाह करना|प्रशंसा करना|आदर करना

Translations & Examples

compliment    (also: bow, greeting)प्रणाम
compliment    (also: admiration, commendation, eulogy, praise, recommendation, laud, plaudit)प्रशंसा
compliment    (also: greeting)अभिनन्दन
compliment    (also: attention, deference, entertainment, esteem, estimation, honor, honour, notice, obeisance, price)आदर
to compliment    प्रणाम करना
to compliment    वाह वाह करना
to compliment    (also: to celebrate, to commend)प्रशंसा करना
to compliment    (also: to court)आदर करना

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