
component meaning in Hindi

component    ({adj.})मौलिक|आंशिक
component    ({noun})भाग|टुकडा|अंश|अवयव

Translations & Examples

component    (also: constituent, elementary, fundamental, original, primaeval, primal, primeval, primordial, radical, seminal)मौलिक
component    (also: partial)आंशिक
component    (also: allotment, branch, deal, department, interest, lobe, lot, part, partition, portion)भाग
component    (also: bit, branch, chip, chop, crumb, dole, factor, flake, fraction, fragment)टुकडा
component    (also: allotment, allowance, compartment, contribution, deal, factor, fraction, fragment, ingredient, installment)अंश
component    (also: constituent, limb, organ, principle)अवयव

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