
composite meaning in Hindi

composite    ({adj.})सम्मिश्र|मिश्र|भागों से बना हुआ|संयुक्त|मिला हुआ|जुटा हुआ
composition    ({noun})सर्जन|रचना|समझौता|संगठन|संयोजन|मेल|मिलावट

Translations & Examples

composite    सम्मिश्र
composite    (also: complex)मिश्र
composite    भागों से बना हुआ
composite    (also: complex, concurrent, corporate, inclusive, joint, united, associate, incorporate, adjunct)संयुक्त
composite    (also: amongst, coherent, complex, concurrent, contiguous, mixed, promiscuous, united, associate, adjunct)मिला हुआ
composite    (also: coherent)जुटा हुआ
composition    (also: construction, creation, disposition, essay, fabrication, formation, invention, juxtaposition, organisation, organization)रचना
composition    (also: compromise, understanding)समझौता
composition    (also: organisation, organization)संगठन
composition    (also: accommodation, adaptation, annexation, confederation)संयोजन
composition    (also: accord, accordance, adaptation, alliance, amalgamation, annexation, association, blend, bond, coalition)मेल
composition    (also: compost, synthesis, texture)मिलावट

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