
condemnation meaning in Hindi

condemnation    ({noun})दोष लगाना|निंदा|दण्ड की आज्ञा
condemnable    ({adj.})निन्दनीय|गर्हणीय|दण्डनीय
to condemn    ({vb})अपराधी ठहराना|बुरा बनाना|दण्ड देना|दोष लगाना

Translations & Examples

condemnation    दोष लगाना
condemnation    (also: censure, defamation, diatribe, invective, tirade)निंदा
condemnation    दण्ड की आज्ञा
condemnable    गर्हणीय
condemnable    दण्डनीय
to condemn    बुरा बनाना
to condemn    (also: to chastise, to correct, to recoup, to strike)दण्ड देना
to condemn    (also: to censure, to reflect)दोष लगाना

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