
confinement meaning in Hindi

confinement    ({noun})कारागार वास|कैद|एकान्तवास|बंधन|रुकाव|रोक
confine    ({noun})सीमाप्रान्त|सीमा प्रदेश
to confine    ({vb})कारागार में डालना|रोकना|सीमाबद्ध करना

Translations & Examples

confinement    कारागार वास
confinement    (also: bondage, captivity, reservation)कैद
confinement    एकान्तवास
confinement    (also: custody)बंधन
confinement    (also: abeyance, preventive, desist)रुकाव
confinement    (also: bar, barricade, barrier, block, bridle, constraint, detention, exception, exclusion, fetter)रोक
confine    सीमा प्रदेश
to confine    (also: to bound, to cease, to check, to clog, to constrain, to contain, to control, to counteract, to cross, to object)रोकना
to confine    सीमाबद्ध करना

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