
considerable meaning in Hindi

considerable    ({adj.})विचारणीय|विशेष|यथेष्ठ|बडा|अधिक
considerably    ({adv.})काफी|बहुत अधिकता से|विशेष रूप से
considerate    ({adj.})परिणामदर्शी|विचारवान|दूसरे का ध्यान रखनेवाला|दूरदर्शी
consideration    ({noun})विचारण|चिन्ता|विवेचन|लिहाज|ध्यान|विचार|सोच विचार

Translations & Examples

considerable    विचारणीय
considerable    (also: central, characteristic, exceptional, extraordinary, great, particular, respective, special, specific)विशेष
considerable    यथेष्ठ
considerable    (also: august, big, bulky, elder, extensive, grand, great, gross, high, large)बडा
considerable    (also: abundant, accessory, additional, burning, excessive, extra, exuberant, farther, fertile, further)अधिक
considerably    बहुत अधिकता से
considerably    (also: especially)विशेष रूप से
considerate    विचारवान
considerate    दूसरे का ध्यान रखनेवाला
considerate    (also: prospective, provident, prudent)दूरदर्शी
consideration    (also: anxiety, care, caution, concern, dilemma, thought)चिन्ता
consideration    विवेचन
consideration    लिहाज
consideration    (also: attention, care, contemplation, deliberation, ear, eye, hearing, heed, idea, meditation)ध्यान
consideration    (also: belief, caution, concept, conception, contemplation, deliberation, determination, discretion, discrimination, eye)विचार
consideration    सोच विचार

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