
culture meaning in Hindi

culture    ({noun})सुधार|सभ्यता|उन्नति|शिष्टता|संस्कृति
to culture    ({v.t.})सुधारना|उन्नत करना|जोतना

Translations & Examples

culture    (also: adjustment, correction, cultivation, discipline, education, improvement, modification, proficiency, reform, reformation)सुधार
culture    (also: civility, civilization, cultivation, decency, decorum, etiquette, grace, polish, refinement)सभ्यता
culture    (also: advance, advancement, augmentation, development, elevation, improvement, proficiency, profit, progress, promotion)उन्नति
culture    (also: civility, comity, decorum, elegance, etiquette, grace, polish, propriety)शिष्टता
culture    संस्कृति
to culture    (also: to better, to elevate, to cultivate)उन्नत करना
to culture    (also: to harness, to farm, to husband, to cultivate)जोतना

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