
cup meaning in Hindi

cup    ({noun})प्याला|प्याले का पेय|भाग्य|अनुभव|प्रारब्ध|कटोरा
to cup    ({v.t.})सिंघी लगाना

Translations & Examples

cup    (also: basin, bowl, glass, horn, mug, pot, saucer)प्याला
cup    प्याले का पेय
cup    (also: chance, destiny, fate, lot, luck)भाग्य
cup    (also: apprehension, experience, feeling, intuition, perception)अनुभव
cup    (also: chance, destiny)प्रारब्ध
cup    (also: bowl, can, mug, pot, saucer)कटोरा

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