
defence meaning in Hindi

defence    ({noun})बचाव|सफाई|उत्तर|प्रतिवाद|रक्षा|आड|शरण

Translations & Examples

defence    (also: barrier, conservancy, delivery, escape, exemption, fence, maintenance, protection, rampart, defensive)बचाव
defence    (also: clearance, conservancy, integrity, neatness, nicety, purity, refinement, wipe)सफाई
defence    (also: alibi, answer, replication, reply, response, north)उत्तर
defence    (also: contradiction)प्रतिवाद
defence    (also: advocacy, aid, care, charge, conservancy, custody, guard, keeping, look-out, outlook)रक्षा
defence    (also: barrier, blind, cloak, fence, hindrance, hitch, interruption, intervention, let, partition)आड
defence    (also: auspices, cover, housing, protection, refuge, retreat, shade, shelter, shift, defensive)शरण

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