
delay meaning in Hindi

delay    ({noun})विलम्ब|अटकाव|रोक
to delay    ({v.t.})विलम्ब करना|रोकना|टालना|ठहरा देना|देरी करना

Translations & Examples

delay    (also: detention, lateness, respite, suspension)विलम्ब
delay    (also: brake, curb, hindrance, impediment, interception, obstruction, prevention, restraint, stagnation, stop)अटकाव
delay    (also: clog, control, cramp, curb, hitch, let, limit, limitation, obstacle, prohibition)रोक
to delay    (also: to curb, to dam, to dike, to discontinue, to fetter, to foreclose, to intercept, to interdict, to keep, to let)रोकना
to delay    (also: to adjourn, to postpone, to defer)टालना
to delay    ठहरा देना
to delay    देरी करना

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