
delight meaning in Hindi

delight    ({noun})मंगल|हर्ष|आनन्द|प्रसन्नता
to delight    ({v.t.})आनन्दित करना|प्रसन्न करना
delightful    ({adj.})सुखद|मंगलमय|आनन्ददायक|सुहावना|मनोहर

Translations & Examples

delight    (also: bliss, ecstasy, welfare)मंगल
delight    (also: bliss, cheer, exhilaration, joy)हर्ष
delight    (also: amusement, bliss, cheer, clover, complacency, enjoyment, exhilaration, felicity, glee, gratification)आनन्द
delight    (also: assent, elation, glee, hilarity, liking, pleasantry, pleasure, recreation, sunshine)प्रसन्नता
to delight    (also: to indulge, to please, to recreate, to regale, to oblige, to gladden, to rejoice)प्रसन्न करना
delightful    मंगलमय
delightful    (also: pleasing, pleasurable)आनन्ददायक
delightful    (also: agreeable, becoming, dainty, delectable, delicate, pleasant)सुहावना
delightful    (also: attractive, desirable, elegant, engaging, fancy, grateful, interesting, lovely, picturesque, pleasant)मनोहर

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