
delineation meaning in Hindi

delineation    ({noun})वर्णन|आकार|ढांचा|चित्र|आलेखन
to delineate    ({v.t.})रूपरेखा प्रस्तुत करना|चित्रित करना|वर्णन करना|चित्र उतारना|अंकित करना|खींचना

Translations & Examples

delineation    (also: account, affirmation, declaration, description, dictum, essay, explanation, harangue, illustration, mention)वर्णन
delineation    (also: aspect, contour, figure, look, magnitude, plan, semblance, shape, size, stamp)आकार
delineation    (also: construction, contour, fabric, figure, flake, frame, map, outline, plan, skeleton)ढांचा
delineation    (also: chart, diagram, illustration, imagery, likeness, painting, perspective, picture, portrait, representation)चित्र
delineation    आलेखन
to delineate    चित्रित करना
to delineate    (also: to aver, to interpret, to relate, to report, to signify, to tell, to treat, to declare, to define, to demonstrate)वर्णन करना
to delineate    (also: to paint)चित्र उतारना
to delineate    (also: to stamp, to strike)अंकित करना
to delineate    (also: to train, to wrest, to attract, to drag, to extract, to haul, to inhale, to protract, to strain, to elicit)खींचना

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