
demise meaning in Hindi

demise    ({noun})पट्टा|प्रदान|मृत्यु|समर्पण
to demise    ({v.t.})प्रदान करना|देना|हस्तांतरित करना

Translations & Examples

demise    (also: bandage, batten, collar, fee, holding, insignia, lease, leash, tenure)पट्टा
demise    (also: delivery, gratuity)प्रदान
demise    (also: bane, death, end, expiration, fatality, mortality, sleep)मृत्यु
demise    (also: commission, consignment, conveyance, dedication, present, transfer)समर्पण
to demise    (also: to administer, to give, to grant, to invest, to lend, to present, to set, to accommodate, to bestow, to deliver)देना
to demise    (also: to transfer)हस्तांतरित करना

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