
department meaning in Hindi

department    ({noun})भाग|महकमा|अंग|विभाग
to depart    ({v.t.})बिदा होना|मुंह फेरना|मार्ग से विचलित होना|चला जाना|सिधारना|मरना

Translations & Examples

department    (also: allotment, branch, component, deal, interest, lobe, lot, part, partition, portion)भाग
department    महकमा
department    (also: limb, lot, organ, part)अंग
department    (also: allotment, analysis, bureau, category, compartment, faculty, realm)विभाग
to depart    मुंह फेरना
to depart    मार्ग से विचलित होना
to depart    (also: to elapse)चला जाना
to depart    सिधारना
to depart    (also: to expire, to rest)मरना

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