
education meaning in Hindi

education    ({noun})पढाई लिखाई|सुधार|शिक्षा|पालन-पोषण
to educate    ({v.t.})शिक्षा देना|पढाना लिखाना|सुधारना|शिक्षित करना|सिखाना

Translations & Examples

education    पढाई लिखाई
education    (also: adjustment, correction, cultivation, culture, discipline, improvement, modification, proficiency, reform, reformation)सुधार
education    (also: admonition, breeding, exercise, improvement, institution, instruction, lesson, lore, nurture, school)शिक्षा
education    पालन-पोषण
to educate    पढाना लिखाना
to educate    (also: to adjust, to amend, to punish, to digest, to direct, to file, to heighten, to mend, to modify, to reclaim)सुधारना
to educate    (also: to enrich)शिक्षित करना
to educate    (also: to discipline, to instruct, to school, to train, to enrich, to learn)सिखाना

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