
jam meaning in Hindi

jam    ({noun})कुचलाव|निचोड|मुरब्बा|अचार
to jam    ({v.t.})मीचना|कुचलना|दबाना|निचोडना

Translations & Examples

jam    (also: contusion)कुचलाव
jam    (also: extraction, squeeze)निचोड
jam    मुरब्बा
jam    अचार
to jam    (also: to mash, to squash, to bruise, to repress, to squeeze)कुचलना
to jam    (also: to humiliate, to oppress, to overwhelm, to allay, to bridle, to depress, to encumber, to enforce, to force, to pinch)दबाना
to jam    (also: to fleece, to rack, to express, to squeeze, to strain)निचोडना

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