
jeer meaning in Hindi

jeer    ({noun})ताना|ठट्ठा|उपहास
to jeer    ({vb})ताना मारना|ठिठोली करना|चिढाना|चुटकी लेना|मज़ाक उडाना

Translations & Examples

jeer    (also: fling, flirt, gibe, invective, quip, scoff, taunt, warp)ताना
jeer    (also: banter, derision, giggle, jest, joke, ridicule, mock)ठट्ठा
jeer    (also: derision, gibe, mockery, scoff, sneer, mock)उपहास
to jeer    (also: to jest)ठिठोली करना
to jeer    (also: to flout, to play)चिढाना
to jeer    चुटकी लेना
to jeer    मज़ाक उडाना

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