
job meaning in Hindi

job    ({noun})नौकरी|लाभ के लिये किया हुआ काम|व्यापार|ठीके का काम|कार्य|काम

Translations & Examples

job    (also: berth, employment, office, post, service, situation)नौकरी
job    लाभ के लिये किया हुआ काम
job    (also: action, affair, avocation, business, calling, commerce, craft, intercourse, profession, speculation)व्यापार
job    ठीके का काम
job    (also: action, affair, avocation, labor, labour, necessity, performance, proceeding, role, work)कार्य
job    (also: act, action, affair, business, concern, deed, employment, engagement, fact, function)काम

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