
ken meaning in Hindi

ken    ({noun})पहचान|ज्ञान|दृष्टि
to ken    ({v.t.})पहचानना|जानना|समझना

Translations & Examples

ken    (also: cognizance, discrimination, distinction, identity, knowledge, mark, recognition)पहचान
ken    (also: belief, cognizance, consciousness, experience, idea, information, intellect, intelligence, knowledge, letters)ज्ञान
ken    (also: aspect, eyesight, look, look-out, phase, prospect, ray, reference, seeing, sight)दृष्टि
to ken    (also: to find, to repute, to deem, to recognize, to wit, to know, to regard, to learn, to account, to recognise)जानना
to ken    (also: to solve, to appreciate, to decipher, to deliberate, to enlighten, to grasp, to penetrate, to see, to weigh, to regard)समझना

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