
kid meaning in Hindi

kid    ({noun})बकरी का बच्चा|लकडी का गठ्ठा|लडका|कठौती|बच्चा|लडकी
to kid    ({v.t.})मज़ाक करना|धोखा देना

Translations & Examples

kid    बकरी का बच्चा
kid    लकडी का गठ्ठा
kid    (also: boy, chap, infant, lad, son, urchin, youngster)लडका
kid    (also: basin)कठौती
kid    (also: babe, baby, chick, child, chit, infant, urchin, young)बच्चा
kid    (also: daughter, girl, mademoiselle)लडकी
to kid    (also: to deceive, to defraud, to fob, to gull, to misrepresent, to mock, to trick, to blind, to delude, to dupe)धोखा देना

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