
kind meaning in Hindi

kind    ({adj.})मेहरबान|हितकर|कृपालु|दयालु|उदार
kind    ({noun})पैदावार|भांति|वर्ग|प्रकार|जाति

Translations & Examples

kind    (also: motherly, obliging)मेहरबान
kind    (also: motherly, obliging)मेहरबान
kind    (also: beneficial, conducive)हितकर
kind    (also: benign, friendly, gracious, humane, merciful, neighborly, neighbourly, propitious, sparing)कृपालु
kind    (also: amicable, benevolent, clement, compassionate, forgiving, friendly, gentle, gracious, humane, indulgent)दयालु
kind    (also: catholic, charitable, generous, handsome, large, liberal, magnanimous, open, whole hearted)उदार
kind    (also: crop, growth, harvest, product, production)पैदावार
kind    (also: color, colour, manner, sort, species)भांति
kind    (also: category, denomination, feather, genus, kingdom, race, rank, species, square, state)वर्ग
kind    (also: breeding, class, mode, nature, rampart, sort, species, type)प्रकार
kind    (also: caste, clan, community, feather, gender, genus, kin, kingdom, nation, nationality)जाति

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