
knack meaning in Hindi

knack    ({noun})युक्ति|चालाकी|हस्तलाघव|खिलौना|कौशल
knick- knack    ({noun})तुच्छ वस्तु|सामान

Translations & Examples

knack    (also: appliance, argument, design, device, engine, invention, maneuver, manoeuvre, occupancy, projection)युक्ति
knack    (also: alacrity, artifice, cleverness, craft, device, ingenuity, maneuver, manoeuvre, prank, rig)चालाकी
knack    (also: trick)हस्तलाघव
knack    (also: bauble, sport, toy)खिलौना
knack    (also: art, diplomacy, maneuver, manoeuvre, tact, tactic)कौशल
knick- knack    (also: apparatus, appliance, appointment, baggage, fitting, furniture, gear, implement, luggage, paraphernalia)सामान

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