
knitting meaning in Hindi

knitting    ({adj.})बुनना|बिनावट|बटना
to knit    ({noun})बुनना
to knit    ({v.t.})जोडना|मिलाना|मांटना|जाली बुनना|बटना
knit    ({noun})बिनाव|बनावट

Translations & Examples

knitting    बुनना
knitting    बिनावट
knitting    बटना
to knit    (also: to adjoin, to join, to accumulate, to affix, to append, to glue, to integrate, to link, to pin, to solder)जोडना
to knit    (also: to adjoin, to adjust, to alloy, to answer, to blend, to bridge, to fuse, to join, to jumble, to mingle)मिलाना
to knit    मांटना
to knit    जाली बुनना
to knit    (also: to twist, to braid)बटना
knit    (also: architecture, build, building, constitution, construction, fabric, fabrication, forgery, formation, frame)बनावट

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