to know

to know meaning in Hindi

to know    ({v.t.})पहचानना|समझाना|जानना
knowingly    ({adv.})चतुरता से|जानबूझकर
knowing    ({adj.})जानकार|चालाक|सचेत

Translations & Examples

to know    (also: to discriminate, to distinguish, to identify, to discern, to ken, to recognize, to recognise)पहचानना
to know    (also: to advise, to explain, to expound, to instruct, to admonish, to illustrate)समझाना
to know    (also: to find, to repute, to deem, to ken, to recognize, to wit, to regard, to learn, to account, to recognise)जानना
knowingly    जानबूझकर
knowing    (also: acute, adroit, agile, alive, arch, artful, astute, brisk, canny, clever)चालाक
knowing    (also: alert, attentive, aware, conscious, mindful, reserved, slow, sober)सचेत

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