
libel meaning in Hindi

libel    ({noun})अपराध|अपवाद पत्र|बदनामी का लेख|निन्दा लेख
to libel    ({v.t.})दोष लगाना|बदनाम करना

Translations & Examples

libel    (also: crime, delinquency, fault, felony, guilt, imperfection, sin, transgression, trespass)अपराध
libel    अपवाद पत्र
libel    बदनामी का लेख
libel    निन्दा लेख
to libel    (also: to malign, to scandalize, to stain, to vilify, to denounce, to defame, to reproach, to scandalise)बदनाम करना

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