
limb meaning in Hindi

limb    ({noun})किनारा|अवयव|डाली|शाखा|जोड|अंग

Translations & Examples

limb    (also: bank, border, bourn, brim, brink, brow, coast, edge, extremity, flank)किनारा
limb    (also: component, constituent, organ, principle)अवयव
limb    (also: bough, branch, offset, ramification, slip, stalk, twig)डाली
limb    (also: arm, bough, branch, offshoot, ramification, spray)शाखा
limb    (also: addition, adjunct, aggregate, amount, bond, clout, connection, construction, counterpart, fixture)जोड
limb    (also: department, lot, organ, part)अंग

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