
lining meaning in Hindi

lining    ({noun})अस्तर
to line    ({v.t.})अस्तर लगाना|निशान लगाना|चिह्न करना|पंक्ति लगाना|लकीर बनाना
line    ({noun})लाइन|रेखा|लकीर|डोरी|सूत|ढंग|वंश|घराना|सीमा|श्रेणी|दर्जा|पद|पंक्ति

Translations & Examples

lining    (also: lay, plaster)अस्तर
to line    निशान लगाना
to line    (also: to impress, to wale, to score, to trace)चिह्न करना
to line    (also: to align)पंक्ति लगाना
to line    लकीर बनाना
line    (also: alignment, contour, streak, trait)रेखा
line    (also: streak, stripe)लकीर
line    (also: chord, cord, lace, lash, leash, rope, string, tape)डोरी
line    (also: filament, string, thread, yarn)सूत
line    (also: breeding, carriage, demeanour, diction, expression, gait, habit, manner, method, mien)ढंग
line    (also: ancestry, blood, breed, descendant, family, genealogy, generation, genesis, heredity, house)वंश
line    (also: birth, family, house, household, sept)घराना
line    (also: barrier, border, bound, boundary, bourn, coast, compass, extremity, frontier, height)सीमा
line    (also: ancestry, array, category, class, continuation, grade, place, predicament, progression, race)श्रेणी
line    (also: class, degree, grade, place, rating, tier)दर्जा
line    (also: birth, category, class, clause, degree, dignity, expression, grade, item, meter)पद
line    (also: alignment, class, file, rank, tier)पंक्ति

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