
list meaning in Hindi

list    ({noun})सूची|अखाडा|बन्द|दंगल
to list    ({v.t.})सुनना|प्रतिवाद में लगना|विरोध करना|सूची में लिखना

Translations & Examples

List    warningसूची
list    (also: stagnant)बन्द
list    (also: cockpit, gymnasium, tournament)दंगल
to list    प्रतिवाद में लगना
to list    (also: to demur, to deprecate, to disfavour, to negative, to object, to oppose, to protest, to baulk, to except, to repel)विरोध करना
to list    (also: to index)सूची में लिखना

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