
live meaning in Hindi

live    ({adj.})फुर्तीला|सुलगता हुआ|जीवित|जानदार|जलता हुआ|जीता|चटकीला
to live    ({v.i.})बिताना|ठहरना|रहना|जीना|गुजरना
lively    ({adj.})बोलता हुआ|सजीव|फुर्तीला
living    ({noun})जीवन निर्वाह|जीविका|रोज़ी
living    ({adj.})सजीव|क्रियाशील

Translations & Examples

live    (also: active, agile, brisk, busy, expeditious, expert, hasty, lithe, nimble, perky)फुर्तीला
live    सुलगता हुआ
live    (also: existent, lively, living, vital, speaking)जीवित
live    (also: lively, living)जानदार
live    (also: ablaze, aflame, alight, flagrant, sultry)जलता हुआ
live    (also: alive, quick)जीता
live    (also: brilliant, deep, flashy, gay, jaunty, splendid)चटकीला
to live    (also: to pause, to subsist, to stand, to cease, to abide)ठहरना
to live    (also: to be, to continue, to dwell, to exist, to remain, to subsist, to stand, to bide, to abide)रहना
to live    (also: to be, to subsist)जीना
to live    (also: to shoot)गुजरना
lively    (also: alive, living, spirited, vivacious)सजीव
lively    फुर्तीला
living    (also: bread, career, livelihood, maintenance, subsistence, support, sustenance)जीविका
living    (also: livelihood)रोज़ी
living    (also: alive, lively, spirited, vivacious)सजीव
living    (also: active)क्रियाशील

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